You can find it on the following address:


If you had your goals to research your family-history, and if you are still interested to put your questions to our FORUM, please visit this site, register, and enter your data.


This new FORUM offers the entering and registering possibilities, and the way to enter your personal wish, your personal research tasks, and questions to the others. It also offers possibility for entering your results of your family-history.


It is our mutual benefit, it is for your interest as well to give exact information, to specify your e-mail, and to modify your e-mail address if it changed.


The FORUM(s) - at the beginning - is in Hungarian language. We are  working on the English version of course. May I ask your effort to register, and enter data even it is in Hungarian.


After analyzing several hundreds e-mails, I would like to draw your kind attention for the followings:


1. There is no limit in entering, and communicating your personal data and information about you yourself.


2. There is no limit in entering, and communicating personal data and information about the ones lived (died) before year 1906.


3. We regret for the limitation of the uncomminicatable information concerning the ones lived in the past 100 years. The researcher is kindly asked not to give exact personal information about the persons searched, injuring personality rights. If you give the family and surname, the living place, or birthplace, but not giving the exact birth date, it can be suitable for entering this information, not injuring personal rights for those lived within this past 100 years.


This is the FORUM where you can enter your family-history tasks, your questions, and the results concerning a given family. Always enter the family name as a new theme, clicking UJ TÉMA icon. Every - each - family name needs a new UJ TÉMA entry.

5. I would like to propose the following order when you enter information about a person. It is up to you, it is not compulsory


Information of the person in question:


Family name, surname :           

Social status: : 


Birth date (year) and place :    

Date of death (year) and place :          

Year interval of its living :        

Possible living places:

Name of spouse :        


Short description of  the research goals and task: (max A/4 sheet)




The name of the researcher, and his/her  e-mail address:


7. It is good to know, that we are not plan to edit your letter. Please construct, write and send your message as suit as possible, please use simple sentences for the easier understanding for those Hungarians, who's English maybe not as good as yours.


Thank you for your kind attention, awaiting your answer. I do hope, that you will visit our FORUM soon.


I wish you an efficient research.


Mr. Sándor Vásony

editor for